Thursday, March 27, 2008


Abdi is not only a magician! Is that the front or back?! wow!

Kea shows us her mind-reading skills with a card trick!

Brandon can magically make his friend's cell phone disappear! haha, hey brandon--who is the photographer here!? =]

Monday, March 24, 2008

Magic Tricks!!!

Abdi's first trick...

"Do it in slow-mo!"

The trick of the two aces...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pictionary and Playing with the Recorder

Kea and Jackie give two views of Pictionary stress:

What's Kea doing for her birthday?

Tenzin Jordhen interviews Lindsey and Jackie:

The tables turned: An interview with Tenzin Jordhen

And always, fun with "English" accents . . . .

Friday, March 7, 2008

Concentration vs. Distraction

The Day King St Had No Kids

Lindsey and Jackie are sooo sad they couldn't come to King St!!!

They missed not one, but TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!
They had Pictionary and everything! They were so excited!!!

But they'll be back soon!!!!!